“Red Nose Day” is a special day when English countries promote different charity organizations and the Red noses remind us that “the even littlest of things can make a huge difference”.

In the wake of Green Friday, we thought that it would be interesting to raise awareness among the pupils and students on different Anglo-Saxon charity organizations.

Therefore, grades “5°, 1° and Terminale” have studied topics, such as the United Kingdom charities and Red Nose Day; and prepared various activities, such as speeches to promote their favorite charities and escape games.

« Red Nose Day” is usually held in March. However, our event was on November the 28th from 12.15 to 2.20 pm in the study hall.

The seventh graders (5èmes) started the show by singing “We are the world”. Then, the eleventh graders (1ères) delivered a speech to promote the charity of their choice.

After that, the twelfth graders (Terminale 3) hosted the escape games they have created (on the same topic).

This wonderful event ended with an afternoon “tea-time” snack and the award ceremony for the speakers. If you want to learn more about it, you can watch the video made by some students.

The English teachers (Mrs Lecomte and Hunter) organized this event.

A special thanks to Mr Vongue for rehearsing the seventh graders to sing.